Monday, February 21, 2011

Three Day Weekend

Has gone to waste so far. Flights out of Michigan have been canceled on the account of the snow, so the vacation plans are disrupted. I am spending these long work-free nights pondering life's mysteries.

The big mystery that I am grappling with tonight is who shot the deputy? We know Eric Clapton shot the sheriff. He admits as much. Hell, he's singing about it. So who shot the deputy? My theory is that the sheriff, who had it out for Clapton, shot the deputy to pin it on Clapton. He went to arrest him and Clapton shot him in self defense. He swears that it was self defense, doesn't he? How else would both the sheriff and the deputy get shot at the same time? If Clapton had shot the deputy, he'd sing about that too. I mean the man is admitting to shooting the sheriff already, shooting the deputy has got to be a lesser crime; why would he not admit that?

Unless of course, "I shot the deputy too" wouldn't rhyme and sing as well.

In conclusion, Clapton probably shot the deputy too, but didn't want to ruin a good song. Mystery solved. Damn artists!

Oh, I went shopping today, on a very empty stomach. The results mayhem. Three trips to the car to unload the Costco damage.


By the way, Carrot-Orange Juice is a bad idea. Tastes like liquid hard lemon candy. Why would they continue making and selling it is a mystery to be solved another night.

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